D.Y.Patil Technical Campus, 124 & 126, Ambi MIDC Road, Talegaon Dabhade.

DY Patil High School
 > Principal


“Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”

It is truly an honor and it gives me immense pleasure to welcome students, parents, teachers and all staff to D Y Patil High School(CBSE),Ambi Talegaon. I came to Ambi with a wealth of educational and leadership experience. I do not view this position of principal as a job, but instead as an opportunity to lead DYPHS School to achieve great heights. However, most importantly, my personal and professional goal is to provide children at DYPHS with the best educational experience possible – one that will build a foundation for life-long learning.


My mission as a principal is to always put kids first! My belief is that all students can learn, and it is our job to support all of their learning needs. As an educator, we need to discover how each child learns in order to differentiate our instruction and to support diverse learning styles. All children are different. I want all children to love school! My passion for education will always be evident. In a collaborative effort, we want children to thrive in all possible ways. At DYPHS our mission is to provide an environment conducive for purposeful learning.

DYPHS school must be a place where students learn to have fun. I promise to provide a learning environment that is positive, safe, caring; a fun place to learn and grow. My goal is to invest valuable time in getting to know each individual in the school community – the students, parents, families, teachers, staff, and community members. My goal is also to provide our students the essentials needed for success in a safe and warm environment. The staff will work together with a priority of having every student’s best interest at heart.

 My message to all parents is to stay involved. This can be accomplished by living in contact with your child’s school. Our expectations will be to consistently make sure you are aware of your child’s progress, and answer any questions or concerns you have at any time. This form of a two-way monitoring system will help to ensure the success of your child’s education and well-being.

 “Education makes a people easy to lead but difficult to drive: easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.”